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We're excited to announce that we’re starting a blog and this is our first post!


Let's begin by introducing ourselves.


We are Elevate Hospice & Palliative Care from Scottsdale, Arizona.  We serve the county of Maricopa.  Our passion is to raise the standard of hospice care and provide qualified service to patients and families facing many difficult end-of-life decisions.


Our blog will serve as an educational tool where we will provide information, news, and support that we hope will answer your questions about end-of-life issues.  


For us, empathy is at the forefront of our care process.  If it's the patient, caregiver, or family member, we understand that our service and care plans need to go beyond physical needs to improve the quality of life for all.


We hope that this blog will be a small part of this process, even if it assists a single person in making a qualified decision.  If you have any questions, comments, or a suggestion, please feel free to contact us.  We will try our best to provide the highest quality of information.


Thanks for reading and thank you for your support.



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Elevate Hospice & Palliative Care