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Levels of Hospice Care


The patient resides in their home (personal residence, group home,independent living,assisted living,nursing home) and is provided services on a scheduled basis by the Elevate Hospice team.

Inpatient Respite

If the caregiver becomes overwhelmed with care, Inpatient Respite is provided to relieve the family or caregiver. This service is provided for up to five continuous days at a facility that Elevate Hospice is contracted with.

General Inpatient

If a patient’s pain or symptoms are no longer able to be managed in the home by the Elevate Hospice nurse, the patient is moved to a facility that is contracted with Elevate Hospice and is provided daily nursing visits by Elevate Hospice to evaluate when pain and symptoms are under control.

Continuous Care

If a patient’s pain and symptoms require more than what routine care can provide, and the patient must remain in the home continuous care can be provided. Continuous Care is similar to General Inpatient, except that the care is provided within the home.  This service is required to be authorized by both Elevate's Medical Director and Nurse Case Manager, and is constantly evaluated while services are provided to ensure it is appropriate.

Elevate Hospice & Palliative Care